Big Brothers Big Sisters reaches children and youth who live with adversities and barriers to success. Our Mission is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people, providing youth with the personalized support they need to move beyond their circumstances. To achieve that mission, we must ensure our 1,000+ Big Brothers Big Sisters professional staff across the country have access to the most up to date training and research. But we can’t do it without you!
Are you ready to stand up for these children and youth across the country? If so, keep reading to learn about unique opportunities at our upcoming 2023 National Convention in Winnipeg to access hundreds of BBBS agency leaders who are on the front lines of youth mentorship daily and youth from across Canada who have been impacted positively by mentoring!
Big Brothers Big Sisters National Convention
June 6 – 8, 2023
Winnipeg, MB
Sponsorship Opportunities
Convention Sponsor
- Signature branding partner of the 2023 National Convention and highlight sponsor of our Celebration of Mentoring Gala
- 5-minute remarks strategically placed to suit your brand in our content agenda
- Brand visibility on all National Convention pre, during and post marketing initiatives
- Participation in pre-recorded social media interview distributed through BBBSC national social channels (I.e. Instagram/FB Stories, LinkedIn)
- Opportunity to insert relevant executive level quote into pre-event media release as well as brand mention in media release
- Opportunity to provide digital offer/coupon/gift card to all participants
- Four complimentary tickets to attend National Convention
- Six complimentary tickets to attend our Celebration of Mentoring Gala
(2 available)
Mentoring Partner
- Ownership of one of the plenary sessions
- Opportunity to share up to 2 minutes pre-recorded video clip during the onset of your select plenary session, highlighting your support of youth as it relates to your corporate social responsibility
- Brand visibility on National Convention micro site and on all pre, during and post event social media through BBBSC national social channels
- Sponsorship website link available on micro site in order for participants to access/download your organization’s relevant information
- Participation in pre-recorded social media interview distributed through BBBSC national social channels (I.e. Instagram/FB stories and LinkedIn)
- Brand mention in pre-event media release
- Opportunity to provide digital offer/coupon/gift card to all participants
- Two complimentary tickets to attend National Convention
- Four complimentary ticket to attend our Celebration of Mentoring Gala
Convention Supporter
- Branding partner for one of our training workshops relevant to your brand
- Brand visibility on National Convention micro site and on all pre, during and post event social media through BBBSC national social channels
- On-site brand visibility – on screen and print
- Opportunity to provide digital offer/coupon/gift card to all participants
- Two complimentary tickets to attend National Convention, including the Celebration of Mentoring
- Sponsor one of our Youth Participants by offsetting travel and other Convention Costs
- Brand visibility on pre and post event social media through BBBSC national social channels
- Opportunity to provide digital offer/coupon/gift card to all participants
Interested in something more unique to your brand?
We have plenty of opportunities not listed here that may suit your brand best. Let’s connect today to discuss options!