When you mentor a young person, you provide stability. According to the research1, this type of relationship can protect a child from the effects of toxic stress experienced when living with childhood adversities. Mentoring Builds resilience.

Please visit Peace Tea and Nestea to shop and support.

Ignite a child’s full potential by volunteering as a mentor

Our mentors come from various backgrounds, professions, age groups and identities. You might be surprised to learn how many people just like you are already mentoring and thoroughly enjoying the experience. It’s not about being a certain “type” of person; it’s about being a caring, consistent presence in a child’s life.

The more diverse our pool of mentors, the better we can match kids with mentors who can relate to their specific experiences, challenges and aspirations.

I Care to Volunteer.

No time to volunteer? You can still help!

When you purchase any NESTEA® or Peace Tea® beverage, 50¢† of each purchase helps ignite youth potential through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada mentorship.

Here’s to Great Taste and Positivi-Tea.

boys graffiti cartoon


Your donations enable a comprehensive infrastructure for supporting mentorship partnerships, including:

  • a broad network of professional staff supporting mentors and volunteers;
  • detailed legal screening of mentors to ensure safe participation;
  • systems for selecting, approving, monitoring, and supporting volunteers;
  • Nurturing relationships with other support services for the mentee and their family

Every $1 dollar you donate, gets converted to $23 in benefits to society