Day on the Hill 2019

Big Brothers Big Sisters Youth & Leaders to Visit Parliament Hill

On May 6 and 7, Big Brothers Big Sisters youth, volunteers, and agency leaders will come together in Ottawa to advocate for investment in youth mentoring. They will meet with Members of Parliament, Senators, cabinet ministers, and senior officials.

All young people have potential to become tomorrow’s leaders, but some face barriers such as poverty, family instability, and identity-based discrimination. With the guidance and support of a mentor, a young person can gain the confidence to achieve more. Youth who have participated in Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring are more likely to be employed, pursue healthy lifestyles, and give back to society. For youth in the most vulnerable situations, the social return on investment is $23 for every dollar invested in youth mentoring programs.

For the first time in history, the Government of Canada has focused on young people as contributors to Canada’s economic wellbeing. The time to act is now. Our public leaders have a unique opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to youth with smart investments in the charitable and voluntary sectors, particularly in mentoring as a cost-effective approach.

Get Involved

You can advocate for youth mentoring in your community, too! Contact your local MP to tell them why mentoring matters and join the social conversation with the hashtag #FutureofYouth.