For over 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has been championing the health and wellbeing of youth. We step in before it’s too late, to help prevent the physical and mental effects of adverse childhood experiences. We ensure children as young as 7 are supported by caring adults as they overcome these adversities, helping them to do better in life – physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and academically
Our Intervention helps ensure children as young as 7 are supported by caring adults as they overcome these adversities, helping them to do better in life.
Championing the health and wellbeing of youth
This year alone Big Brothers Big Sisters impacted over 32,000 youth in hundreds of communities across Canada.
Providing life changing mentoring experiences since 1912, Big Brothers Big Sisters was named One of MoneySense Magazine’s top 10 youth charities in 2019.
Every $1 invested in our programming returns between $18-$23 to society through taxes, higher incomes, volunteerism, and charitable donations.
All young people realize their full potential
Enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada is a Federation comprised of 86 member agencies servicing hundreds of communities across the country.
Many children and youth in Canada struggle with societal barriers and face adversities in their lives.
Facing prolonged adversity creates toxic stress in the brain that can negatively impact development.
With the support of a mentor, these risks can be reduced or even avoided, and youth can reach their full potential.
Our Solution
Many children and youth in Canada struggle with societal barriers and face adversities in their lives like detrimental living conditions, family violence, risk factors for mental health, school issues and identity challenges.
These circumstances have nothing to do with the value of who they are or who they can become, but because of these situations, children and youth risk not having the opportunity to live up to their full potential.
Even worse is the possibility of continuing cycles of poverty and crime or developing mental health issues.
This comes at a cost to the young person, and to society.
With the guidance and support of a mentor, these risks can be reduced or even avoided, and youth are reminded they can be anything they dream of being.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada is a Federation comprised of 86 member agencies servicing hundreds of communities across the country. Together we mobilize over 17,500 volunteers who in turn mentor 32,000+ children and young people. That works out to :
Over 1.2 million volunteer hours each year
Each Big Brothers Big Sisters agency provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youths in quality mentoring relationships. Our agency staff members are experts at screening volunteers and matching them with a mentee having similar interests.
The national organization provides services and programs to our member agencies to assist them with their work with parents, mentees, and volunteers. Ranging from staff training workshops to our leading Child Safety Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada works diligently to ensure we have superior quality programming in all parts of the country.