Overcoming Back to School Challenges: Tips for Bigs and Littles



Heading back to school can be a mix of emotions ranging from excitement to anxiety, especially after a summer filled with fun and relaxation. As a Mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, you have the opportunity to play a critical role in helping your Little tackle the challenges they may face come this new school year. Here are some tips to help your mentee transition smoothly and confidently!

Donovan Wyand, NYMAC Member

Donovan Wyand, NYMAC Member

Establish a Routine Early:

Help your little ease into the school year by encouraging them to begin a maintainable and realistic routine a few weeks before school starts. This could include supporting them with setting a regular bedtime, waking up at a consistent hour, and scheduling time for homework and extracurricular activities. A structured routine could set your mentee’s school year off on the right track.

Set Goals Together:

Work with your mentee to set achievable academic and personal goals for the upcoming year. These goals could include improving grades in a particular subject, getting involved in a new club or society, or making new friends. Setting goals provides your mentee with a sense of direction and gives them something they can strive for.

Address Fears and Anxieties:

Have an open conversation with your mentee about fears and anxieties they might have about going back to school. Whether it’s fear of meeting new classmates, handling homework, or navigating new social dynamics, listening to their concerns and offering reassurance can make a big difference. It might be helpful to share some of your own experiences and how you overcame similar challenges.

Foster Organizational Skills:

Help your Little develop strong organizational habits. This could include teaching them how to use a planner, setting up designated study space in their room, or helping them break down large daunting tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. Encouraging your little to be organized may help them significantly reduce their stress levels and improve academic performance.

Encourage a Positive Mindset:

I speak from experience when I say a positive attitude can go a long way in overcoming academic challenges. Encourage your Little to approach this new school year with optimism and perseverance. Remind them that it’s okay to make mistakes and that every challenge is a new opportunity to learn and grow.

Most Important – Be a Reliable Support System

Your consistent support is invaluable. Regular check-ins, whether in person, over the phone, or through video calls, can provide your mentee with the support they need to overcome any personal or academic obstacle. Remember to celebrate their success, no matter how big or small, and to offer guidance during difficult times.

By implementing these tips, you can help your Little navigate the new school year with confidence and enthusiasm. Remember, your support and encouragement can make a significant impact on their academic journey and overall well-being. Here’s to a successful and fulfilling school year ahead!

Did you know, you can volunteer as an in-school mentor? Several NYMACers have done this and that’s one of the reasons they are so excited to continue working with the movement. Contact your local BBBS Agency to find out what that’s like and how you might get more out of it than you think.