Share Your Story on International Mentoring Day!



This Sunday, January 15th, join the international conversation on social media where photos, videos and messages of powerful mentoring stories are shared. Use #MentoringDay & #Mentoring month in your posts!

Mentors have been a lifeline for our young people this past year as they managed to stay connected virtually when they could not meet up physically. We know that when a young person is matched with a mentor, they experience positive social connectedness, improved mental health and wellbeing, and gain better educational and employment outcomes.

By now, most of us have experienced the negative effects of social isolation during the pandemic as our communities work to prevent the spread of COVID19 and we are all challenged to live differently through these social distancing measures. Through the simple act of connecting with a young person, you can improve their health – and it’s good for you too!

There are still 15,000 young people across Canada waiting for a caring adult to stand in their corner. Share yourself.  Share your lived experience. Volunteer to become a mentor today.