

Most Canadians watch the daily news and think, “how can I help?”. Most Canadians want to be part of the solution, but we are often discouraged by the complexity of the problems. Families across Canada are living with complex challenges stemming from systemic injustice and structural inequality. This can make us pause and doubt that one person alone can make any significant impact.

By volunteering to be a Mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, one person can have significant and profound impact on the life of a child facing adversities. Globally renowned youth development researchers have affirmed:

“After decades of forming hypotheses, conducting surveys, crafting and rewriting definitions, analyzing data, and writing journal articles, Search Institute researchers and practitioners have arrived at a surprisingly simple conclusion: nothing—nothing—has more impact in the life of a child than positive relationships.”
– Peter L. Benson
Former Search Institute President and Ceo (2010)

Knowing this is critical. Big Brothers Big Sisters recruits and trains adult volunteers to build and maintain supportive relationships with children. Through committed relationships, young people are provided with a foundation to thrive. Through mentoring relationships, Mentors express care and challenge growth, igniting each Mentee’s unique potential.

Current research suggests that young people are most likely to flourish when they are embedded in a web of relationships with supportive, caring adults. This is the essences of Big Brothers Big Sisters programs; providing the relationships that young people need to succeed. As a Mentor, you can help a young person discover who they are, develop and practice skills to shape their own lives and learn how to engage with and understand the world around them.

At Big Brothers Big Sisters, one adult can make a BIG difference and your volunteer hours will be well spent. Consider becoming a Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentor today and let’s work together to solve society’s challenges, one child at a time.