Inspiring a Love for Literacy: A Mentor’s Perspective



As International Literacy Day approaches, we are reminded of the profound impact that literacy has on individuals and communities around the globe. It’s more than just a basic skill—it’s a powerful force that drives change, personal growth, and progress. And as mentors, we play a huge part in this process.

Mentors have a special knack for sparking a love of reading and teaching others to embrace the joys of lifelong learning. Sharing our own passion for books, modeling effective reading habits, and inspiring a love for literacy are only some of the ways the power of literacy plays a part in mentorship. By fostering a nurturing environment where questions are welcomed and curiosity is celebrated, mentors can help learners build the confidence they need to tackle new challenges. One of the earliest and most memorable connections I shared with my Little was our mutual love for the Harry Potter series. Our conversations about the books quickly became a highlight of our time together. Not only did we bond over our shared enthusiasm for the world of Hogwarts, but my Little also introduced me to insights and details about the series that I had never known before. Through our dialogues, I learned as much from my Little as she did from me, proving that the magic of literature extends beyond the pages and into the relationships we build.

Literacy is a great way to encourage our littles to continuously educate themselves. Having a positive mentoring experience can help littles with academic achievement, school attendance and continuing education in post-secondary. The power of mentoring can encourage our littles to expand their minds and continue to learn about the world around them through education. Through education we can foster safe and healthy mentoring relationships, to encourage our youth to be the best version of themselves.

The power of literacy in mentoring relationships is profound and empowering. Shared literacy fosters deep understanding and impactful guidance amongst mentors and mentees, and creates meaningful dialogue, critical thinking and healthy problem-solving. Literacy creates powerful mentoring relationships that is a cornerstone for empowering individuals and communities.

Reading helps improve literacy, which nurtures academic engagement. By engaging in and encouraging shared interests like reading, you enhance a young person’s social emotional competence and relationship skills. These are just some of the outcomes our mentoring programs are intentionally designed to achieve.

Being a mentor is as easy as sharing what you already love.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada plays a pivotal role in creating these mentoring opportunities across the country. By volunteering as a mentor, you can make a lasting positive influence on a young person’s life, helping them to discover the joys of reading, learning, and self-growth. Join us in empowering the next generation by becoming a mentor today!

NYMAC - Bree-Ann Jubinville

Bree-Ann Jubinville
NYMAC Member

NYMAC - Gabby Dupont

Gabrielle Dupont
NYMAC Member

Learn more about our National Youth Mentoring Advisory Council including how to become a contributing member :

Mercedes-Benz Canada is the proud title sponsor of BBBSC’s National Youth Mentoring Advisory Council (NYMAC). This nationwide consortium of youth experts (aged 17-28) representing diverse backgrounds is helping to shape the future of mentorship in Canada.
